The L.I.F.E. Center meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Sakura Room of Issei Hall at the First United Methodist Church of Loomis. A daily participant fee of $5 provides seniors with a Continental breakfast, a healthy, well-balanced lunch, and participation in all the activities of the Center.
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Thursdays 9 am to noon
This class is offered by Janice Shoemaker. She assists the attendees in quilting, sewing, crocheting, or knitting project that they need help with. The center has sewing machines to use, fabric for sale at $2.00 a yard, yarn for sale at $1.00 a yard. Additionally, the center has a skein, thread, scissors, cutting boards, cutting mats, rotary cutters, reference books, and much more!
Every other Tuesday 9:30 am to noon
The class style is ‘self-directed’, meaning that members choose their own separate subject matters and receive any guidance, examples, etc. they might need to complete that picture. It is impressive and encouraging how many new beginners are able to paint ‘from the get-go’ with the least instruction. Materials accepted are watercolor, acrylics, pastels, pencils, etc. but not oil paints.
Every Other Tuesday from 9:30 am to 12 Noon
Every other week an easy craft project is selected for our seniors to make. There is a buddy system in place with those who have more dexterity helping the ones with lesser skill or mobility
Cardio Gold
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am to 10 am
Cardio Gold is a low impact cardio dance class,
Similar to “Zumba” that includes fun salsa, jazz, and hip hop moves to provide a great cardiovascular workout. The class is set to an upbeat mix of Latin, funk, and dance music, to get the students moving and grooving to the beats.
The instructor, Aria Dreifuss, has been teaching at the Senior Life Center for over 6 years and also owns Aria’s To The Pointe dance studio in Rocklin. She loves meeting new students and teaching motivated individuals of all ages and experience levels!
Silver Stretchercize
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 am to 11 am
Silver Stretchercize combines a mix of seated stretches, gentle resistance training, light cardio, and ballet-inspired moves to increase balance, strength, and range of motion. The class also includes exercises to stimulate the mind and improve muscle coordination, all set to nostalgic music from the 50s and 60s.
The instructor, Aria Dreifuss, has been teaching at the Senior Life Center for over 6 years, and also owns Aria’s To The Pointe dance studio in Rocklin. She encourages students to participate at their own pace, listen to their bodies, and have fun!
Approximately 70% of the exercises in class are performed seated, and all exercises can be done in a chair if preferred.
Both Cardio Gold and Silver Stretchercize classes are good for a variety of fitness levels, and participants are encouraged to exercise at their own pace and modify if needed. Please consult a physician before starting a new exercise program or fitness regimen.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 am to 11:45 am
There are many benefits for Seniors who engage in the practice of Chair Yoga on a regular basis.
First, while practicing the poses sitting in a chair as well as standing and using a chair as a prop, one’s body can develop flexibility and balance.
Next, by engaging in regular practice of the Yoga poses sitting in a chair, using mindful breathing and simply paying close attention to the movement of one’s body, the overall effect over a period of weeks is to evoke a calm response in a person’s nervous system.
Last, by engaging in the regular practice of Chair Yoga, one can develop increased strength in one’s arms, legs, and torso.
Sandra Main
Chair Yoga Instructor for Loomis Senior LIFE Center